Jom Sertai Komuniti - Cara Selamat Di Internet Dengan DNS

Jom Sertai Komuniti - Cara Selamat Di Internet Dengan DNS

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Saya telah menggunakan kemudahan OpenDNS telah lama dan telah banyak membantu saya dalam membuat tapisan untuk Internet di rumah terutama untuk penggunaan anak-anak yang muda lagi tahu menggunakan carian Google. Diharapkan ramai lagi dapat menyumbang dalam memastikan kemudahan ini selamat untuk anak-anak. Sila lawat

Luangkan masa untuk periksa laman web yang anda jangkakan tidak sesuai untuk anak-anak kita dengan menyertai komuniti Domain Tagging

Jom banyak lagi sumbangan daripada Malaysia.

Harisfazillah Jamel

Bukan Sekadar Internet Sahaja

9 Jun 2013

--- Email No 1 - Web Filtering ---

From: linuxmalaysia @
Subject: You should use OpenDNS

linuxmalaysia @ has sent you the following message:

If you're not yet using OpenDNS Web filtering, take it from me - you should.

OpenDNS, chosen by Fortune 100 companies and more than 40,000 schools, provides the most efficient yet powerful Web filtering available. The cloud-based service takes just minutes to set up and gives you 55 categories of Web content, all of which are constantly updated. On top of Web filtering, OpenDNS provides anti-phishing and malware site protection.

It will also make your network faster and more reliable, and give you tools to easily see which Web sites are most visited on your network. If you see problem Web sites in your network stats, you can easily block them.

Get started now:


145 Bluxome St
San Francisco, CA 94107 USA

--- Email No 2 - DNS and Web Security ---

If you're not yet using OpenDNS to secure your network and protect against phishing, malware, botnets and DNS vulnerabilities, take it from me - you should.

OpenDNS, chosen by Fortune 100 companies and more than 25,000 schools, provides comprehensive security services, including award-winning Anti-Phishing from PhishTank. In addition, OpenDNS is one of the only DNS services that was never susceptible to the largest and most threatening vulnerability ever discovered. Dan Kaminsky, the researcher credited with finding the flaw, personally recommends using OpenDNS.

In addition to Web and DNS security, OpenDNS provides comprehensive Web filtering and detailed network stats that let you see what's happening on your network.

--- Email No 3 - Network Speed and Reliability ---

If you're not yet using OpenDNS to make your network faster and more reliable, take it from me - you should.

OpenDNS is the world's largest and fastest-growing DNS service. With zero downtime ever, the service is trusted today by more than 15 million users around the world in businesses, at schools and in households.

Taking just a few minutes to change your network's DNS settings will make your Internet overall faster and more reliable, freeing you of DNS-related outages.

--- Email No 4 - Parental Control ---

If you're not yet using OpenDNS Parental Controls to make your household's Internet safe, take it from me - you should.

Award-winning OpenDNS Parental Controls makes filtering Internet content a breeze. Simply choose your desired filtering level, from "High" to "Minimal," and check a box. Your filtering preferences take effect in just minutes. Further customize your preferences by adding additional categories like "Social Networking," "Hate" and "Gambling," or individual Web sites like that are problematic or unsafe for your household.

OpenDNS will also make your network faster and more reliable, and give you tools to easily see which Web sites are most visited on your network. If you see problem Web sites in your network stats, you can easily block them.

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