Latihan Konsep Cluster Dalam Dunia Open Source

Latihan Konsep Cluster Dalam Dunia Open Source

Kenapa perlu Cluster?

Cluster adalah bertujuan menggabungkan perkakasan atau sistem operasi atau perisian bagi mencapai perkara-perkara berikut :-

1. Kestabilan (Perkhidmatan tanpa henti 24x7)
2. Prestasi (Guna sama CPU, memori dan ruang cakera keras)
3. Keselamatan (Backup dan Redundancy)

Jenis-jenis Cluster

1. Perkakasan
2. Perisian

Cluster perkakasan adalah gabungan dua atau lebih perkakasan bagi membentuk gabungan sistem komputer yang berkongsi sumber seperti CPU, memori,network dan ruang cakera keras. Contoh perisian-perisian untuk tujuan ini adalah Proxmox dan OpenStack.

Cluster perisian adalah perisian yang mempunyai fungsi clusters bina dalam tanpa perlu melalui sistem operasi.

Perkara penting bagi Cluster adalah capaian Network yang baik dan laju.

Tujuan Latihan

Memperkenalkan perisian-perisian sumber terbuka yang boleh digunakan bagi membentuk sistem cluster yang stabil, selamat dan berprestasi tinggi.

Peringkat Pelaksanaan

A. Sistem Operasi (OS)
    Penggunaan Promox sebagai base OS bagi contoh pelaksanaan clusters.
      1. Proxmox
      2. OpenStack (Demo)

B. Files System
   1. Glusterfs
      i. Glusterfs

C. Pangkalan Data
   1. MariaDB
      i. Galera Clusters

D. Perisian Web
1. HAProxy
2. Nginx + Varnish
* Nginx
* Varnish

E. Perisian sokongan untuk Cluster
   1. Rsync
   2. FUSE SSH
   3. Ganglia

Disediakan oleh :-

Harisfazillah Jamel

23 Ogos 2015 (V 1)

Google Doc share link

Cluster Dalam Dunia Open Source

WHO AM I - LinuxMalaysia I'm a technical guy by heart, an ICT security by hobby and a Project Manager by profession. I love Linux and Open Source Software. #linuxmy 

NO_PUBKEY During Installation Java 8 for Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I have problem to install Java * for my Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This is due to error NO_PUBKEY

I'm using WebUpD8 Ubuntu PPA (Oracle Java (JDK) 7/8/9

error from

apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C2518248EEA14886

I need to get this from web browser due to firewall is blocking the needed TCP port. The key can be copy and paste from here :-

Version: SKS 1.1.5
Comment: Hostname:


From my terminal, I ran this command

sudo apt-key add -

 and pasted the output from the above command (the public key) into the stdin ans enter, followed by control-D.

Hadoop On Google Cloud Platform

I'm trying Google Cloud computing to install hadoop. Interesting because there is no need to think hard hadoop installation. I hope this post can help you in identifying the use hadoop in big data. Visit this link to learn Hadoop in Google Cloud Computing

Need to learn new things.

Google Cloud Platform Hadoop SSH terminal

I'm stuck with warning "insufficient permission". Found out I need to authorize Google Cloud SDK to my Google Account setup for Google Cloud Computing with Hadoop.

Issue this command

gcloud auth login

to the master vm of your Hadoop.

More info

Malaysia Open Source Community & Contact Update Profile Form For Year 2015

This form is prepared by Harisfazillah Jamel aka LinuxMalaysia. This form is to update Malaysia Open Source communities detail and information. 

We need to create an up to date list of all Open Source Community in Malaysia.

Please help me by sharing this to your friends. This is an open form, you can add in your community event you are not the community leader. I will contact them for more information.

Malaysia Open Source Community & Contact  Update Profile Form For Year 2015

Harisfazillah Jamel @ LinuxMalaysia Open Source Open Source Evangelist

Ever since he found Linux in 1998, Harisfazillah Jamel have been advocate the usage of open source software and building active open souce communities in Malaysia. As a lobbyist and as an activist.

Open Source Software is about freedom of sharing and collaborating together as a community in establishing software solutions which suit the needs. The “gotong royong” creates number of software which now uses by variety of vendors ranging from small to medium-sized firms to large multinationals companies. It is in my believe, and the same believe shared by many others, that we should nurture world class developers. The world class developers that can produce international recognized open source software or developers that maintain well-known open source software.

Rather than be users, we shall be the producers and maintainers to number of open source software. We need to start and we shall start now. Community by their own initiatives create number of projects with the hope by using open source software, its will help us to produce the world class developers. Open Source communities have a big impact in human capital development in producing the world class developers in Malaysia.

Lets make this happen, for the future of our generations.

Kalau kita beri makan ikan, anak-anak kita hanya akan kenyang sehari. Bila kita ajar mereka memancing, mereka akan kenyang bertahun.

Harisfazillah Jamel @ LinuxMalaysia

21 Feb 2015

Malaysia Open Source Community Meetup Q1 2015

Malaysia Open Source Community Meetup Q1 2015

The Malaysia Open Source Community Meet-up is an event for Open Source Communities in Malaysia to meet with each others. It's an event for software developers, students, and other interested people to learn more about open source software.

This event is a makan-makan and borak-borak with friends.

Date : 27 Feb 2015
Time : 8pm (2000)
Venue : Restoran Nasi Kandar Pelita, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur (In between Menara Citybank and KLCC)

Theme: Birds of Feather, we flock together.

This Meetup is a BoF style Meetup, no pre-planned agenda.

Kita datang, makan dan berbual tentang kita sebagai Open Source Community Malaysia.


Official web page for this event and registration. Please register yourself for us to record whose attending.

Eventbrite Register Page

Facebook event page

Want to be a speaker? Open Source Software related topic? Please contact [email protected] or Telegram +60196085482


Harisfazillah Jamel

Join Open Source Malaysia Group

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