Skip Spamassassin DNS Check If Using MailScanner DNSBL Check

Skip Spamassassin DNS Check If Using MailScanner DNSBL Check

Spamhaus has the limitation for DNS queries from one host. If you are using MailScanner DNSBL Check please edit the configuration under


to add

# By default, SpamAssassin will run RBL checks. If your ISP already
# does this, stop RBL checks in SpamAssassin by un-commenting the
# following line

skip_rbl_checks 1

This will make sure the DNSBL queries is only used by MailScanner not by Spamassassin to scan the same email.

We also received spam from people that used Googlegroup and Yahoogroup. For temporary solution we have disabled Auto Whitelist because it produced failed positive for this type of spam.

# The --auto-whitelist and -a options for "spamd" and "spamassassin" to
# turn on the auto-whitelist have been removed and replaced by the
# "use_auto_whitelist" configuration option which is also now turned on by
# default.

use_auto_whitelist 0

Please also check the /etc/mail/spamassassin/ and remark those setting so that the setting inside /etc/mail/spamassassin/ will be used.

Please refer to my other blog posts

Email Spam Filtering Next Level

MailScanner To Used MCP

For Archive

MailScanner to Used Message Content Protection (MCP)

MailScanner to Used Message Content Protection (MCP)

I'm testing MCP function for MailScanner. The documentation can be view here

I'm using Spamassassin Custom Rules and put it inside /etc/MailScanner/mcp and can be download here.

Among Spamassassin custom rulesets used.

bogus-virus-warnings tries to pick out 'collateral spam' caused by viruses

evilnumbers is a collection of phone numbers, PO boxes and street addresses harvested from spam.

Malware Blacklist

sa-random searches for spamware mistakes like: %RANDOM_WORD
Misc rules I use. Use them if you find them usefull.
Created by: Maxime Ritter

Uninstall In Malay

Uninstall In Malay

I need to wrap up this. Due to direct translation to Malay. We select "Dihapuskan" as the translation for uninstall. But a party do not like the word. It can mean "To destroy". You need to know, one word can have many translation. :)

I've compile this words below to replace "dihapuskan" if we need to do that. Anyone can join this discussion here

  • nyah pasang
  • pembatalan pemasangan
  • menge'nyah'

This email

selain hapus / menghapus / dihapuskan

1. Buang / membuang / dibuangkan
2. Tinggal / meninggalkan / --- (meninggal & ditinggalkan rasanya macam tak
sesuai je)
3. Lupus / melupus / dilupuskan
4. Tanggal (lawan kata bagi pasang/ memasang) / menanggalkan / ditanggalkan
5. Lerai / (lawan kata bagi pasang / susun / ikat) meleraikan / dileraikan
6. Alih (move) / mengalihkan / dialihkan
7. Abai / Mengabaikan / diabaikan
8. Lepas (lawan kata bagi pasang / ikat) / Melepas (hehe) / Melepaskan /
9. Keluar / mengeluarkan / dikeluarkan
10. Cabut (unplug) / mencabut / dicabut

Contoh ayat:

1. Buang - Adakah anda pasti untuk membuang perisian ini dari sistem?
2. Tinggal - Adakah anda pasti untuk meninggalkan perisian ini dari sistem?
3. Lupus - Adakah anda pasti untuk melupuskan perisian ini dari sistem?
4. Tanggal - Adakah anda pasti untuk menanggalkan perisian ini dari sistem?
5. Lerai - Adakah anda pasti untuk meleraikan perisian ini dari sistem?
6. Alih (move) - Adakah anda pasti untuk mengalihkan perisian ini dari sistem?
7. Abai - Adakah anda pasti untuk mengabaikan perisian ini dari sistem?
8. Lepas - Adakah anda pasti untuk melepaskan perisian ini dari sistem?
9. Keluar - Adakah anda pasti untuk mengeluarkan perisian ini dari sistem?
10. Cabut - Adakah anda pasti untuk mencabut perisian ini dari sistem?

Sebahagian perkataan mempunyai lebih daripada satu maksud.
1. Melepaskan = melancarkan
2. Meninggalkan = (boleh jadi bermaksud) membiarkan
3. Mengabaikan = membiarkan
4. Cabut = lari
5. Tanggal = tarikh

Seronok juga belajar bahasa melayu ni :)

Semoga bermanfaat.

Email Spam Filtering Next Level

Email Spam Filtering Next Level

Spamhaus has the limit to the DNS queries for email server. This limition hit our email server. Yep we received so much spam the we hit the spamhaus limitation.

We decided to try two methods to increase the efectiveness of our SPAM filtering.

(1) SQLgrey

We are using postfix, by putting software like SQLgrey it will help to decrease the numbers of spam that enter into Mailscanner.

(2) Clamav

The site above provide clamav signatures that will scan for spam in email including inside PDF files.

and now to choose between MailScanner that used Spamassassin and DSPAM.



or we just build our own DNSBL :)

Javascript Terminal For Linux BSD's Unix

Do you want to learn Linux FreeBSD command line? Try this site

I love it.

Type help or info for more information.

[[email protected]]~> info
This console is implemented with the javascript terminal library termlib.js.
Termlib and the invaders game are developed by:
(c) Norbert Landsteiner 2003-2007
mass:werk - media environments

The GeoIP location information is provided by "MaxMind"

The weather data is provided by "The Weather Channel Interactive, Inc."

The chatbot is adapted from the Alkali Chatbot."

The rest of this site and the additional shell and command code
are developed by:
(c) Colin Barschel 2007-2008
c @

Thanks for looking around and have fun. Drop me a note if you liked this site.

[[email protected]]~>

NagiosQL 2.0.2 RPM For Centos 5

I just release the RPM for NagiosQL a web administration tool for Nagios. More info.

This RPM will help you to install NagiosQL 2.0.2. It's tested with Centos 5.2 and should be working with Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise 5. This RPM include nagios 2.11 configuration files that already configure for nagiosQL.

NagiosQL is a web based administration tool for Nagios 2.x. It helps you to easily build a complex configuration with all options, manage and use them. NagiosQL is based on a webserver with PHP, MySQL and file access to the Nagios configuration files.

Apabila Membuat Pilihan Juga Dipersoalkan Part 2

Soalan saya mudah sahaja untuk rakan-rakan dan sahabat-sahabat fikirkan untuk kita sampaikan kepada rakan-rakan yang lain.

Apabila kita sudah membuat pilihan. Menggunakan aplikasi sumber terbuka (OSS), muat turun dengan sendiri, pasangkan ia tanpa bantuan vendor atau syarikat melainkan belajar melalui rakan-rakan dan kawan-kawan dan juga daripada pusat yang juga milik kerajaan bagi sumber terbuka (OSS).

Adakah kita ini berpihak kepada satu vendor?
Adakah membuat pilihan untuk melakukan sendiri juga berpihak kepada satu vendor?
Adakah dengan tidak membeli apa-apa lesen dan berusaha sendiri berpihak kepada satu vendor?
Adakah membuang sebuah aplikasi atas dasar kita rasa perlu membuangnya pun dikatakan berpihak kepada sebuah vendor?

Yang saya marah, pilihan dibuat atas dasar untuk tidak bergantung kepada vendor. Para pegawai kerajaan berusaha sendiri mewujudkan budaya tidak bergantung kepada vendor dengan muat turun aplikasi sendiri, melaksanakan sokongan sendiri tanpa bantuan vendor. Pusat yang ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan bagi tujuan OSS hanya mampu membantu setakat memberi latihan dan tunjuk ajar apa yang perlu dilakukan.

Atas dasar mewujudkan kemahiran dan pengetahuan yang pelbagai kepada para pegawai kerajaan.

Sekarang, mari kita jawab soalan ini pula. Apabila para pegawai-pegawai kerajaan kita sudah bergerak ke arah, usaha sendiri dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang pelbagai, dengan pilihan hasil perbincangan dan pengkongsian diantara para pegawai dan keputusan mereka adalah lebih kepada sumber terbuka disebabkan mudah, murah dan senang dipelajari. Adakah mereka menyokong vendor?

Sedangkan mereka membuat semuanya sendiri bagi tujuan meningkatkan ilmu, kemahiran dan menjimatkan kos.


Hanya pandangan peribadi ....

Moving to 64bits Ubuntu 8.04

I've decided to move my Ubuntu 8.04 to Ubuntu 8.04 64bits .

I've created another free partition for the installation. Install the Ubuntu 8.04 64bits and select user migration.

Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunder Bird and Pidin working fine. At this moment certain add-ons in Mozilla Firefox not working. OK not all. The one that I want. :)

Unix Horror Story

While looking for my old writing in the Internet. I've come across one HTML file it's contain from "Unix Horror Story". You can search it's with Google.

And this story is the same as what I had done many years ago.

Yes, when your were called by operation at 6pm, when you are ready to go home. Mistake will happen. :)

Read the comments

This remind me of my nostalgia days, using NCR Unix or SVR4, FTX the fault tolerance Operating System from Stratus, VOS also from Stratus, HP-UX, VAX VMS, IBM OS400, SUN Solaris, Tandem Himalaya and many more.

The technology the we used today, been around in the mainframe for many years. Only after the CPU getting cheaper, PC now can have the technology in my old days only can be found in the Mainframe or what we call the big iron.

This remind me. I had been call pakcik. Hehehe.

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