Wishing List : Google Gear For Linux x86_64

My Gmail has the option for Gmail Offline. You can check it by clicking Setting -> Labs.

Only one problem. I'm using Linux Ubuntu x86_64 (64 bit).

Yeah I've to wait until they release Google Gear for 64 bit.

Manual Makmal Sekolah Malaysia Fasa 3

Years ago, working as freelance, I had been around Malaysia teaching Malaysian teachers (among them Pulau Labuan, Kota Samarahan Sarawak, Bongawan Sabah, Sibu Sarawak) about Linux. This is around year 2006 I think. The first manual copyright under GNU Free Documentation Licensing (GNU FDL). Written by DRB Hicom Berhad, Khalid A. Al-Jufry and BostonWeb Academy Sdn. Bhd.

I believe more people involved in this.

File size around 8MB and can be download here.


Manual Projek Penyediaan Infrastruktur Fizikal Dan Pengkomputeran di Sekolah Rendah Dan Menengah Fasa 3

I know there are blogs by our cikgu-cikgu and technician lab. This is one of them


MySQL Tunning For DBMail

The new version of mysqltunner (v 1.0) give a new suggestion for our Email server running Dbmail. I'm testing this in 2 Dbmail sites.

edit /etc/my.cnf

# The default value are
interactive_timeout = 300
wait_timeout = 300

I hope I can resolved the issue of Dbmail eating up the memory.

Sifoo Cikgu

Sifoo Cikgu

My love is to teach. Teaching any person that want to learn about Linux and Open Source. I will do my best to guide and teach. I've been called sifoo and I've been called cikgu. Rasa tua pun ada. Any way. The most important thing is not me.

It's about you. The person that want to learn from me.

I'm only can guide and show and spend my time to find the problem and point it out. But all depend on you.

You are the sifoo and cikgu for yourself.

and I'm also learning a lot from the person that I'm teaching.

So all of you are my Sifoo and Cikgu.

Thank you.

Bash Shell Script For Remount External Drive

We've one 1TB external USB storage that keep on disconnect and remount itself read-only. We've create this script that we include it in the cronjob. When this event happen this script will try to remount the storage. Check it's here.


This week we're manage to minimize the occurring of the problem by changing the file system type to ext2. We used this storage for backuppc pool and it's only happen when backuppc doing the incremental backup and at the stage of hardlink last unchange files.


Off topic dan dalam bahasa melayu.

Saya termasuk antara yang memboikot barangan US. Sedaya upaya saya bawa bekal dari rumah, makan nasi dan lauk tempatan dan mana-mana barangan bukan US.

Kemudian saya terfikir?

(1) Dalam usaha boikot kita. Adakah kita telah menyediakan alternatif kepada penduduk dan industri kita yang akan tergugat dengan usaha ini?

Saya terfikir adik saya yang bekerja di Mac Donald. Dia tiada kelulusan yang tinggi. Inilah kerja yang dia boleh buat dan jangan tanya kalau nak suruh dia cari kerja lain memang susah nak dapat.

Banyak kali mengadu pada along pasal nak kerja lain tapi susah nak dapat.

(2) Mengapa nasi dan lauk di gerai kita mahal macam harga Mac Donald tapi mutu macam tidak berkhasiat langsung.

Sekarang asyik kena sembelit aje. No joke realy. Our food is getting worse tapi harga makin naik.

Sedih.... Sedih kerana orang yang ambil kesempatan atas kesusahan orang lain bukan lagi orang lain tapi orang kita sendiri.


CWE/SANS TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors

CWE/SANS TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors

(January 12, 2009) Today in Washington, DC, experts from more than 30 US and international cyber security organizations jointly released the consensus list of the 25 most dangerous programming errors that lead to security bugs and that enable cyber espionage and cyber crime. Shockingly, most of these errors are not well understood by programmers; their avoidance is not widely taught by computer science programs; and their presence is frequently not tested by organizations developing software for sale.

The impact of these errors is far reaching. Just two of them led to more than 1.5 million web site security breaches during 2008 - and those breaches cascaded onto the computers of people who visited those web sites, turning their computers into zombies.

More >>>


Web Application Guidelines


Share your OSS security knowledge

OSCC MAMPU First Quarterly e-Newsletter Jan 2009

OSCC MAMPU First Quarterly e-Newsletter Jan 2009

The Newsletter Jan 2009 is Published on OSCC MAMPU Portal

OSCC's first Quarterly e-Newsletter kicks off with:

1) RM40million Savings From OSS Adoption
2) MyMeeting Wins “Innovation Awards For Public Service 2008”
3) MyGOSSCON 2008
4) Other Major Conferences
5) Potential OSS Adoption Trend

Download PDF (PDF File)


OSCC MAMPU January 2009 E-newsletter

RnD OSCC MAMPU Moving Forward

RnD OSCC MAMPU Moving Forward

My RnD Team target for 2009 :-

(1) Move OSCC Products source codes to public community.

We start with MyMeeting.


We already publish it to Sourceforge.net and Google Code.

(2) Automate OSCC MAMPU Implementation and support

To make it's easy for Malaysian Agencies to download OSCC MAMPU Products we want to create a proper repository server. We will upgrade our internal repository. OSCC Repository Version 1 can be view here.


This past 2 years we have learn and relearn and I hope the repos2 will be much more better.

(3) Promote OSCC MAMPU Knowledge Bank Portal. Under OSCC MAMPU Knowledge Bank Portal we have


Knowledge Bank


OSCC MAMPU Mailing List

List Of OSCC MAMPU Products Website

E-market Place

Promote in term of technically. Contribute technical write-up and articles.

Beowulf High-performance Parallel Computing (HPC) Clusters

Beowulf High-performance Parallel Computing (HPC) Clusters

Spend my new year holiday testing and hacking PelicanHPC so we can applied into Centos :)

I can used PelicanHPC or Rocks Cluster (base on Centos) to create Beowulf Cluster, then we will not learn how really to configure and make it run.


Rocks Cluster

Beowulf Cluster

PelicanHPC used a configuration script to create it's bootable CD. From that script we used it's as our checklist and steps what to do. Our draft notes


Software that make HPC work




MPI Toolbox (For Octave)

For Monitoring we use Ganglia

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