Adobe Flash On 64bit Ubuntu 8.10

I need to make my Mozilla Firefox 64bit on Ubuntu 8.10 64bit running so that I can view and listen Youtube. :)

I can installed Adobe Flash Player 10 64 bit but it's still in alpha. Visit this blog post for more detail how to install it.

and download the binary from Flashplayer10 Alpha.

I've decided to install Adobe Flash Player 32 bit. Visit this blog for more detail.

Basically the script will

(1) Download the Getlibs

The Source

(2) remove flashplugin-nonfree gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla libflashsupport nspluginwrapper

(3) Install ia32-libs and nspluginwrapper


(4) Install the Adobe Flash Player 10 32 bit.

We can learn a lot from source codes.

The Workshop on Open Source and Open Content (WOSOC) 2008

The Workshop on Open Source and Open Content (WOSOC) 2008

The Workshop on Open Source and Open Content (WOSOC) will be held from 30th of November till the 3rd of December 2008. The venue is Bali Dynasty Hotel, Denpasar - Bali, Indonesia. The theme for the WOSOC is “Making the Open Source and Open Content work for people”. It is expected to attract international and region participants and will bring together participants representative of government, businesses, civil society organizations and academics.

Artikel ICT Dalam Bahasa Melayu

Saya kerap juga menulis dalam bahasa melayu. Berikut saya senaraikan artikel-artikel yang saya tulis untuk dikongsikan bersama.

Aplikasi Melalui Web

Nama Domain Perlu dimiliki Semua Orang

Kita Perlu Merdeka Daripada Penjajahan ICT

Virtualization Gabungkan Pelbagai OS

Netika Dunia Internet

Sumber Terbuka Untuk Vista

Email Sendiri Untuk Anda

Aplikasi Dengan Sumber Terbuka Untuk Semua

Intranet Sekolah Dengan Linux Dan Sumber Terbuka

Panduan Keselamatan Nama Pengguna

Polisi Backup Untuk Organisasi Berdasarkan Sumber Terbuka

Awas Penipuan Kad Kredit Melalui Telepon

Archive tulisan lama dulu

Harisfazillah Jamel Yahoogroups

The Open Source Software Reference Architecture (OSSRA)

The Open Source Software Reference Architecture (OSSRA) document is designed to assist and guide the System Administrator and Technical Support within government agencies in architecting and designing the ICT infrastructure in compliance with all current published ICT policies,guidelines and standards.


Backup link :-

Bootup Itanium (ia64) For Linux Single

Bootup Itanium (ia64) For Linux Single

HP Itanium Server (ia64) is using elilo as the Linux boot loader.


My friend call to help him to reset root password for Linux Centos 4 running on HP Itanium (ia64). We confuse with EFI Boot Manager menu and ELILO menu. We need to issue linux single from elilo boot prompt.

After searching found this HP document


Procedure 5-54 Linux Loader (ELILO.EFI) Booting and Access

Use this procedure to access the ELILO Linux loader.

1. Load the ELILO.EFI Linux loader.

Either select a Linux entry from the EFI Boot Manager menu (the boot options list for the nPartition), or invoke the ELILO.EFI Linux loader from the EFI Shell.

2. Type any key when the "ELILO boot" prompt is displayed to stop the boot process at ELILO.

After you type a key (for example, space) the ELILO loader remains at the "ELILO boot" prompt, rather than loading the default Linux kernel entry in the elilo.conf file.

3. Issue ELILO loader commands or enter the kernel path or label (from the elilo.conf file) that you wish to boot.


Now we can issue

linux single and enter.


Slider is a A person that assign to do slides for 3 days and usually not in their job scope. Another Slider is

Would like to join our new team? Reporting and Documentation Unit (RnD). Please send an email to me.

RnD Slider Team Lead.

ps. This is only a joke......

Migrating Mailman

Migrating Mailman

We need to migrate the mailman from the another server into another server. I just found the link and will note it's here.

(1) Install MailMan from the distro repos. Im using Centos 5.

yum install mailman

(2) Don't trust the installer. You need to configure. When test to the link


And this came out.

"500 Internal Server Error" will come out.

--- Will continue tommorow ---

About Mailman

Another solution

PHP List


This blog post is specially for the couple in love. Really I don't know why, each time I have a staff jointing my team they might fell in love with each other. Hehehehe.

Any way. I wrote a few blog posts that not related to IT. In my younger years I love to wrote "sajak" and this days I wrote more like monolog.

Among them I want to share, it's in Malay and for them ... "Cinta itu buta dan aku celik kerananya"


Ayat-ayat Cinta Buat Pohon Cinta

Tiada apa yang dapat diertikan pada sebuah cinta. Umpama pohon pokok, kusemaikan dari benih rindu, ku siram dengan air mata kasih dan ku baja dengan belaian kasih mesra. Lalu kuharap ia tumbuh membesar menjadi pohon rendang yang daunnya adalah ayat-ayat cinta kita. Pohon yang menjadi tempat dirimu berteduh hingga akhir nanti.

Pohon cinta akan sentiasa membesar, akan sentiasa bertukar ganti daun-daun yang kering, gugur dan berganti dengan ayat-ayat cinta yang lebih romantik.

Suburnya pohon cinta kita adalah tanggung jawab kita berdua. Kita siram ia dengan air mata rindu dan kasih, kita belai ia dengan kemesraan dan saling memahami, kita saling berteduh dan mengharap pohon cinta kita akan terus kekal berdiri buat kita berteduh. Biarlah ribut, biarlah kemarau, biarlah salju, namun akar tunjang kesetiaan akan memastikan pohon cinta ini terus hidup hingga akhir nanti.

Ayat-Ayat Cinta (Rossa)

Desir pasir di padang tandus
Segersang pemikiran hati
Terkisah ku di antara cinta yang rumit

Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekadar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung

Ku pertaruhkan

Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita

Cintaku padamu

Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta

Ketika ku bersujud

Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekedar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung

ku pertaruhkan

Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita

Cintaku padamu

Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta

Ketika ku bersujud

Pameran Sempena MyGOSSCON 2008 Dan

Pameran Sempena MyGOSSCON 2008 Dan


(A) Pameran Sempena MyGOSSCON 2008

Sempena Malaysian Government Open Source Software Conference (MyGOSSCON) pada 5 dan 6 November 2008 di Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC), pameran selama dua hari akan turut diadakan.

Pameran ini disertai oleh oleh agensi-agensi kerajaan dan vendor-vendor OSS dan ia diharapkan akan menjadi platform bagi perkongsian ilmu, pengalaman dan pengetahuan teknologi terkini dalam OSS.

Pameran ini adalah terbuka kepada umum dan semua adalah dijemput hadir.

Senarai pemamer boleh dilihat di

(B) 2008

Bersempena dengan MyGOSSCON 2008, komuniti OSS di Malaysia akan mengadakan acara pada 8 dan 9 November 2008. adalah acara yang mengumpulkan pakar-pakar dan peminat OSS yang meliputi sesi ceramah dan bengkel. Para penceramah yang terdiri daripada dalam dan luar negeri dapat memberi peluang kepada komuniti OSS berkongsi pengetahuan dan pengalaman.

1. Fun Things to do with Asterisk, by Alwin Chan
2. Git: The New Hotness, by Kamal Fariz
3. Hacking on phpMyAdmin (A Google Summer of Code project), by Raj Kissu Rajandran
4. Malaysian Challenges SAP!, by Redhuan Daniel Oon
5. Open Source and the ORCA Screen Reader, by Silatul Rahim Dahman
6. Anatomy of Fedora Kiosk Mode, by James Morris
7. OSS at Behind the Scenes, by Toru Maesaka
8. memcached: Introduction to the Upcoming Goodness, by Toru Maesaka
9. How Linux Gets My Dream Job at IBM, by Fajar Priyanto
10. Linux High-Availability Cluster Presentation and Demo, by Fajar Priyanto
11. How Open Source is accelerating innovation in the field of SaaS and PaaS, by Jerome Gotangco
12. Navigating The Commons : How To Get Free Stuff And Get Creative (Legally!) by Nur Hussein
13. Mac: A UNIX Programmer's Paradise by Jinny Wong
14. Introduction To MyMeeting by Abdullah Zainul Abidin
15. FOSS and Access to Knowledge by Jeremy Malcolm
16. Your Linux is MORE THAN ready by Ong Tee Kok
17. Building a Business with Open Source by Daniel CerVentus
18. OLPC - deployments and communities by Pia Waugh
19. Building strong FOSS communities by Pia Waugh
20. MySQL Cluster in High performance environment by Ruchith Gunaratne
21. What's great about Drupal Content Management System (CMS) by Najib Habeb
22. Moving the Web Forward with Open Standards & Open Source by Pamela Fox
23. Building Vibrant Open Source Communities by Gopi Ganapathy
24. Makkal Sakti by Jaya Kumar
25. Open Source and Silverlight: A Bright Future Together by Rohan Thomas and Chris Levanes
26. Internet Intelligence on Drupal by Raja Iskandar Shah

Maklumat lanjut boleh didapati di

Sekian, Terima kasih.


Old Slide For Linux Class

Old Slide For Linux Class

This slides from Kursus Projek Pengkomputeran Makmal Sekolah Malaysia year back 2004. Im in the process of cleaning up the old manual for this course.

----- The License

Seksyen A

Hak Cipta © 2004, DRB Hicom Berhad
Pelajaran 1 (Pengenalan Kepada Sistem Komputer & Rangkaian Setempat) dan Pelajaran 2 (Teknologi Kekal Berfungsi) yang termasuk ke dalam pelesenan GNU FDL.

Seksyen B
Hak Cipta © 2000-2003, Khalid A. Al-Jufry
Hak Cipta © 2004, BostonWeb Academy Sdn. Bhd. dan DRB Hicom Berhad

Kebenaran diberikan kepada semua untuk menyalin, mengedar dan/atau membuat perubahan ke atas seksyen B buku panduan ini di bawah peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh GNU Free Documentation Licensing (GNU FDL), Versi 1.1 atau versi terbaru yang dikeluarkan oleh Free Foundation Software; tanpa sebarang ceraian varian, tanpa teks muka hadapan dan tanpa teks kulit belakang. Salinan lesen GNU FDL boleh diperoleh dari laman web asalnya di

Buku panduan ini ditulis dan dikumpulkan sebagai penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Linux itu sendiri selain menjadi panduan kepada para pelatih untuk memahaminya.

Adalah menjadi harapan penulis agar, panduan ini akan menjadi ikutan para pelatih dalam memahami Linux, tidak dinafikan banyak lagi aspek yang boleh dipertingkatkan di hampir kesemua bahagian buku panduan ini, oleh itu segala maklum balas amat dihargai.


Pengenalan Kpd Linux
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: malay malaysia)

Apache Web Server (Malay)

Arahan Asas Linux

Infra Linux

Konfigurasi Network (Suse)

Linux Squid Internet Proxy Server

Peningkatan Pakej Dalam Suse

Pemasangan Linux Suse

Operasi Cakera Keras Linux

Perkhidmatan DHCP Linux

Pengenalan Kepada Linux

Pengenalan Kepada Rangkaian Setempat LAN Linux

Ubuntu 8.10 ISO Files At OSCC MAMPU

Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex ISO can be download from OSCC MAMPU Mirror.

Ubuntu 8.10 released

The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop and Server, continuing Ubuntu's tradition of integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution.

Read more about the features of Ubuntu 8.10 in the following press releases:

Desktop edition
Server edition

Ubuntu 8.10 will be supported for 18 months on both desktops and servers. Users requiring a longer support lifetime may choose to continue using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS rather than upgrading to or installing 8.10.

Ubuntu 8.10 is also the basis for new 8.10 releases of Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and UbuntuStudio:

To Get Ubuntu 8.10

To download Ubuntu 8.10, or obtain CDs, visit:

Because Ubuntu 8.04 LTS is a long-term support release, users of that release will not be offered an automatic upgrade to 8.10 via Update Manager. For instructions on upgrading to Ubuntu 8.10, see:

As always, upgrades to the latest version of Ubuntu are entirely free of charge.

We recommend that all users read the release notes, which document caveats and workarounds for known issues. They are available at:

Find out what's new in this release with a graphical overview:

If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but aren't sure, try asking on the #ubuntu IRC channel, on the Ubuntu Users mailing list, or on the Ubuntu forums:

#ubuntu on

Helping Shape Ubuntu

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of ways you can participate at:

About Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux distribution for desktops, laptops, and servers, with a fast and easy install and regular releases. A tightly-integrated selection of excellent applications is included, and an incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away.

Professional technical support is available from Canonical Limited and hundreds of other companies around the world. For more information about support, visit:

More Information

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